NOTE: If you go over on Match Contribution amounts, your “Budgeted Remaining” fields may be negative. This is allowable and expected. If you see a negative “Budgeted Remaining” amount, verify that you are not exceeding your Grant Funded amount.
Checking Award Balance
To check your Award's balance (Grant Funds/Match), you can either:
- View the Award Details page
- View the Budget and add the "Actuals" and "Remaining" columns.
- Run the "Grant Budget Variance" Recipient Report
NOTE: If you need to verify your Award expenses have not gone over in Grant funds per Budget category or line items (not applicable to all Awards), you will need to use the budget OR "Grant Budget Variance" report.
Award Details
Step 1: Login to AmpliFund > Grant Management (left navigation) > Grants > [Choose Your Grant]
Step 2: Review the Award Information and Status and Award Budget Information sections.
Award Information and Status section
Hover over the "i" (information icon) to see how each field is calculated.
Expenses To Date: | Sum of all Expenses entered, but not necessarily approved. (Does not include denied expense statuses or deleted expenses) |
Match Contributions To Date: | Sum of the Match on all Expenses entered, but not necessarily approved. (Does not include denied expense statuses or deleted expenses) |
Pending Invoices: | Payment Requests waiting for DED decision. |
Approved Invoices: | Grant Funds paid by DED or in processing to get paid. |
Remaining Available Grant-Funded Amount: | Grant Funded amount you have left to draw down (assuming Pending Invoices are approved in full). |
Award Budget Information section
Awarded Amount: | Total Grant Funds allocated to your award. |
Cash Match Amount: | Minimum Cash Match required for your award. |
In-Kind Match Amount: | Minimum In-Kind Match required for your award. |
Budget - "Actuals" and "Remaining" columns
Step 1: Login to AmpliFund > Grant Management (left navigation) > Grants > [Choose Your Grant] > Post-Award > Financial > Budget
Step 2: In the "Options" section select the following: Line Items, Match, Actuals, Remaining
Step 3: Use the budget to review the following columns:
- Grant-Funded Budgeted
- Grant-Funded Actuals
- Match Budgeted
- Match Actuals
- Total Budgeted
- Total Actuals
- Grant-Funded Remaining
- Total Remaining (Total Budgeted - Total Actuals)
This report will help determine if you need to change the grant/match amounts in your expenses to meet your requirements. It will also help you verify that you do not enter expenses for more Grant Funds than you have available.
NOTE: The "Actuals" columns are including expenses entered, not necessarily approved. This includes all expenses that have a status of: Closed, Reviewed, Payment Requested or Paid.
NOTE: The "Remaining" columns are calculated from the "Actuals" columns, which are expenses entered, not necessarily approved.
Please view the 'Understanding your Budget and Tracking Expenses' user guide for more information.
Recipient Reports - Grant Budget Variance
Step 1: Login to AmpliFund > Reports (left navigation) > Post-Award > Grant Budget Variance
Step 2: On the right side, use the Filters area to select your Grant name.
Step 3: Use this report to review the following columns:
- Budgeted Grant Funded
- Budgeted Cash Match
- Budgeted In-Kind Match
- Actual Grant Funded
- Actual Cash Match
- Actual In-Kind Match
This report will help determine if you need to change the grant/match amounts in your expenses to meet your requirements. It will also help you verify that you do not enter expenses for more Grant Funds than you have available.
NOTE: The “actual” columns include all expenses entered, not necessarily approved. They do not include denied expense statuses or deleted expenses.
Please view the 'Grant Budget Variance Report - AmpliFund Report to Track Expenses' user guide for more information.
Final Payment Request - Verifying Payment Request Fields
Before making your final Payment Request, you will want to verify that you have reached your Match
Contributions, as well as not exceeded your Grant Funds amount.
Step 1: In your Payment Request’s Financial Detail area, click on the Remaining Grant Balance hyperlink (this open a pop-up window in the payment request).
Step 2: You will see the same fields that are on the Award Details’ Award Information and Status section. Hover over the "i" (information icon) to see how each field is calculated.
Step 3: Verify your Requested Amount is not greater than the Remaining Available Grant-Funded Amount.
NOTE: If the previous Payment Request was an advance, see your specific program instructions on how to enter payment requests.
How to get match that is over 20% (for VAA) and 1/3 (for general prototype) when grant balance is $4,196.80
Cost | $10,000.00 |
Grant Balance | $4,196.80 |
Cash Match | $5,803.20 |
In AF in the expense section, it will look like:
Grant Funded | $4,196.80 |
Match | $5,803.20 |
Direct Cost | $10,000.00 |
Enter $4,196.80 in the requested amount field. Your amount requested should not exceed the Grant Funded amount.
Additional Examples
Financial Detail section of Payment Request
Clicking Remaining Grant Balance to view the pop-up screen in the 'Financial Detail' section of the Payment Request.
Remaining Grant Balance: Pop-up
- In this example for a final payment request, you can see that the Recipient has exceeded their match ('Remaining Match Requirement' field in pop-up).
- Their expenses should not include more than $5,000 in Grant Funds (viewing 'Remaining Available Grant-Funded Amount' field in pop-up).
- If the Grant Funded Total of expenses is greater than the 'Remaining Available Grant-Funded Amount' pop-up field (NOT ‘Remaining Grant Balance’ green hyperlink field on the payment request), expenses need to be edited with their Grant Funds/Match amounts.