*This is supplemental information, and does not replace program guidelines or contract documentation.
'Amendment' Articles
1) Amendment Overview / Viewing Amendments & Statuses |
2) How to Create / Submit an Amendment |
Award Duration Amendment |
Budget Amendment |
Performance Goal Amendment |
Other Types of Amendments |
Program Specific Information Retaining to Instructions Above
Eligible Amendment Types
- Award Duration
- Budget
Performance Goal (Beneficiary)
- Other Types of Amendments: Program Guidelines - Tenant Selection and/or Lease Agreement
Ineligible Amendment Types
- Awarded Amount
Amendment Type
Award Duration
Required Attachments 2 Attachments:
Letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the extension.
Identification and reasons for the proposed amendment, including:
- Changes to the nature of the proposed requiring the amendment;
Steps implemented to avoid any future amendment requests for the same
Where additional local matching funds are required due to this extension, certification that
such funds are available.
Revised implementation schedule showing completion of major milestones for all activities.
- Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions.
Required Attachments - 3-4 Attachments:
Letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the budget amendment;
Identification and reasons for the proposed budget amendment, including
- Changes to the nature of the project requiring the amendment;
Steps implemented to avoid any future amendment requests for the same
If additional local matching funds are required due to this amendment, certification that
such funds are available. -
If the amendment includes a new activity, certification that the activity meets the national
Minutes from the public hearing held on the proposed amendment (required if reallocating more
than 10% of the total original grant amount). -
If the budget amendment will affect major milestones, a revised implementation schedule
showing completion of major milestones for all activities. Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions. - Certification of re-evaluation of the environmental assessment if necessary.
Performance Goal: Beneficiary
Required Attachments - 2 Attachments:
A letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
Certification that the local governing body has approved the decrease in proposed
accomplishments. -
Identification and reasons for the proposed amendment; including
- Changes to the nature of the project requiring the amendment;
Steps implemented to avoid any future amendment requests for the same
If additional local matching funds are required due to this decrease, certification that such
funds are available.
Certification that the local governing body has approved the decrease in proposed
Revised implementation schedule showing completion of major milestones for all activities.
- Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions.
Other Types of Amendments: Program Guidelines - Tenant Selection and/or Lease Agreement
You will need to notify your Program Rep before submitting a ‘Program Guidelines: Tenant Selection and/or Lease Agreement’ amendment. They will add it as an option in the Performance Goal section.
To submit a Program Guideline Amendment, select the Performance Goal Amendment Type.
Required Attachments - 2-3 Attachments:
Letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
Certification that the local governing body has approved the amendment to the housing
program guidelines; - Identification and reasons for the proposed amendment;
- If additional local matching funds are required due to this amendment, certification that
such funds are available.
Certification that the local governing body has approved the amendment to the housing
- If the housing program guidelines amendment will affect major milestones, a revised
implementation schedule showing completion of major milestones for all activities.- Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions.
- A complete copy of the proposed revised housing program guidelines.