*This is supplemental information, and does not replace program guidelines or contract documentation.
'Amendment' Articles
1) Amendment Overview / Viewing Amendments & Statuses |
2) How to Create / Submit an Amendment |
Award Duration Amendment |
Budget Category Amendment |
Performance Goal Amendment |
Other Types of Amendments |
Program Specific Information Retaining to Instructions Above
Eligible Amendment Types
- Award Duration
- Category Budget
- Performance Goal (Beneficiary)
- Other Types of Amendments: Program Guidelines - Housing
Ineligible Amendment Types
- Awarded Amount
Amendment Type
Award Duration
Required Attachments - 2 Attachments:
- Letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the extension.
- Identification and reasons for the proposed amendment, including:
- Changes to the nature of the proposed requiring the amendment;
- Steps implemented to avoid any future amendment requests for the same
- Where additional local matching funds are required due to this extension, certification that
such funds are available.
- Revised implementation schedule showing completion of major milestones for all activities.
- Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions.
Category Budget
Required Attachments - 5-6 Attachments:
- Current Contract Budget Approved
- PDF copy of your current Budget from AmpliFund. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Current Budget' instructions.
- Proposed Budget After Amendments
- Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Budget_CDBG’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Proposed Budget Template' instructions.
- Letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the budget amendment;
- Identification and reasons for the proposed budget amendment, including
- Changes to the nature of the project requiring the amendment;
- Steps implemented to avoid any future amendment requests for the same
- If additional local matching funds are required due to this amendment, certification that
such funds are available. - If the amendment includes a new activity, certification that the activity meets the national
- Minutes from the public hearing held on the proposed amendment (required if reallocating more
than 10% of the total original grant amount). - If the budget amendment will affect major milestones, a revised implementation schedule
showing completion of major milestones for all activities. Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions. - Certification of re-evaluation of the environmental assessment (this form is included in the CDBG
Administration Manual Chapter 6 – Environmental Review).
Performance Goal: Beneficiary
Required Attachments - 2 Attachments:
- A letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the decrease in proposed
accomplishments. - Identification and reasons for the proposed amendment; including
- Changes to the nature of the project requiring the amendment;
- Steps implemented to avoid any future amendment requests for the same
- If additional local matching funds are required due to this decrease, certification that such
funds are available.
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the decrease in proposed
- Revised implementation schedule showing completion of major milestones for all activities.
- Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions.
Other Types of Amendments: Program Guidelines - Housing
You will need to notify your Program Rep before submitting a ‘Program Guidelines: Housing’ amendment. They will add it as an option in the Performance Goal section.
To submit a Program Guideline Amendment, select the Performance Goal Amendment Type.
Required Attachments - 2-3 Attachments:
- Letter from the Chief Elected Official including:
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the amendment to the housing
program guidelines; - Identification and reasons for the proposed amendment;
- If additional local matching funds are required due to this amendment, certification that
such funds are available.
- Certification that the local governing body has approved the amendment to the housing
- If the housing program guidelines amendment will affect major milestones, a revised
implementation schedule showing completion of major milestones for all activities.- Complete and upload the ‘Amendment_Template_Milestone’ Excel. See the 'Amendment: Attachment - Milestone / Implementation Schedule Template' instructions.
- A complete copy of the proposed revised housing program guidelines.
- Letter from the Chief Elected Official including: