Navigating to NAA Form
Step 1: Navigate to your Grant: Grant Management (left navigation) > Grants > [Select your Federal Grant].
NOTE: Be sure to select Federal Grants such as CDBG, HOME, National Housing Trust, CARES Act, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), CDBG-Disaster Recovery, CDBG-Covid 19, and all funding from programs established by the American Rescue Plan Act.
Step 2: Click on Custom tab.
Step 3: Select Notification of Annual Audit (NAA) form.
Completing NAA Form
Step 4: After the NAA Form, a new form will need to be “created”. In the upper right-hand corner, click on the plus sign (+) symbol.
NOTE: For every new year this form is filled a new form must be "created". You will NOT edit the existing form(s).
Step 5: Fill out all the required fields, as indicated by an asterisk (*) in the Notification of Audit Form section.
Step 6: If you are required to conduct a single audit, complete the Submission of Single Audit section.
NOTE: You can complete this section later. Move on to step #7. When you have the Single Audit report, follow steps # 1-3. Then follow steps #6 A-C.
Step 6A: Click the pencil icon to edit your completed NAA form.
Step 6B: Complete the Submission of Single Audit section.
Step 6C: Click Save as Draft. The 1. Subrecipient: field must be entered in order to save.
Step 7: Once the Required Fields are complete, click the Submit, located near the lower right-hand corner.