Grant Budget Variance
Navigate to the Grant Budget Variance Report
Step 1: Left click Reports (left navigation) > Post-Award (left click on the gray triangle) > [Select Report]
Step 2: Use the right-sided filters to select an Award.
Additional Filters (such as date and Grant) can also be used.

Export Report
Export this report on the left side. Select the down arrow, and choose the export type.

How to Use the Report
The 'Grant Budget Variance' report summarizes the budgeted and actual expensed amounts (line items and category totals). Each row is a line item and includes a 'Sub-Total' row for the budget category amounts.
Includes all expenses ("Actual" columns), not necessarily approved expenses and do not have an expense status of ‘Denied’.
This report will show you if you still need to use Cash Match in a category, or if you have entered expenses as too much Grant Funds.
NOTE: If you are editing/adding/deleting expenses, you will need to refresh your page to see the updates.