This is supplemental information and does not replace program guidelines or contract documentation.
'Payment Request' Articles
Program Specific Information Retaining to Instructions Above
Expenses are entered as your project progresses. When your project is complete, you will finish logging expenses, submit a Final Payment Request, and complete a Final Report.
This document provides instructional information related to the Expenses and the Final Payment Request. The Final Payment Request may be submitted once you have entered and reviewed all expenses sufficient to demonstrate the 1:1 match requirement (e.g., eligible expenses totaling at least 2x the grant amount).
Create/Review Expenses
Expenses can be entered any time after the project is set up in Amplifund. GRMs are encouraged to complete expense recording and upload required documentation (invoices and proof of payment in the form of the cashed check front and back or bank statement showing the date check was cashed) as the project progresses.
Recipient must match grant funds at least equally from other sources (1:1 local cost-share/match). IF total project amount does not equal the grant amount plus the match amount, the final payment is reduced accordingly.
See Video/Instructions for How to Enter and Review Expenses into Amplifund:
Recording Expenses & Requesting Second Half of Grant Funds after Advance
DED recommends that you allocate all expenses first as "Cash/In-Kind Match" until you have met the required minimum amounts (match must equal grant award amount). After you have entered match expenses, you can enter the match amounts as $0 and allocate expenses as "Grant Funded" up to the grant amount.
If Anytown had a $10,000 award and a total project budget of $20,000 (includes $10,000 cash match). The first $10,000 worth of expenses should be allocated to "cash match" to meet the 1:1 match requirement.
In this example, if the first invoice is for $12,000, then the recipient should allocate $10,000 to cash match and $2,000 to grant funded. If the second invoice is for $8,000, the recipient should allocate all $8,000 as grant funded.
At this point, invoice #1 and invoice #2 have utilized all $10,000 of required cash match and grant funds. Further expenses should not be entered once cash match and grant funded amounts are reached.
NOTE: Please do not submit a payment request until you have entered expenses sufficient to demonstrate the 1:1 match requirement (e.g., eligible expenses totaling at least 2x the grant amount). You may log expenses before submitting the payment request.
Reviewing Expenses
Each expense must be marked "reviewed" before creating the Final Payment Request.
Contact Program Manager for Expense Review Before Submitting Final Payment Request
Contact your Program Manager when you have all expenses entered and split evenly between Grant-Funded and Cash Match. This will be a final review for any needed adjustments before submitting the Final Payment Request.
Create/Submit Final Payment Request
Once your expenses and the proof of payments documentation has been reviewed by your Program Manager, you will receive a message that your project is ready for the Final Payment Request.
- To submit the payment request, go to the post award menu in your Amplifund account and click on cash flow then click on payment request.
2. Once you are on the payment request screen, click the + sign in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
3. In “Payment Request Name” type “Final Payment Request”.
4. In “Expenses From” (enter first expense date) and “To” (enter last expense date).
5. Hit the Submit button at the bottom of the payment request form.